Exam Archive


In both the major and minor subject, there is no getting around writing exams. To prepare for these, it is of course more than important to complete the exercise sheets and work through the lecture notes. But sometimes it is also helpful to have old exams to practise on. That is why we have created a collection of exams and materials on our server.


This collection of scripts is only intended for students of the Computer Science programme at Heinrich Heine University and may only be used by them for learning and preparation purposes.

Note: This collection of scripts can only be updated and completed with your help. If you have scripts, exercise sheets or exams for the computer science lectures and/or the recognised minor subjects, please send them to fscs@uni-duesseldorf.de or bring them to us.


On our server you will find

  • Lecture notes
  • Exams / post-exams
  • sample programmes
  • Preliminary and diploma theses (in the field of mathematics)
  • other aids, digital books and instructions

We also collect materials on the minor subjects of computer science.


To access the exam archive you only have to follow 3 steps.

  • Log in once at pad.hhu.de with your university ID and the corresponding password

  • Then you can find the password for the exam archive here.

  • Finally, enter the password here. You can now download all the exams we have available!

Good luck preparing for your exams!